Diesel & Dust PTY LTD

Diesel and Dust is fully equipped with a 6 tonne water truck with a 6000 litre capacity, air-operated front and rear sprays, manual adjusting cannon, high pressure cleaning guerney and a 30 metre 2 inch lay flat high pressure hose.
We also have a ride-on single seat Tennant 235 Sweeper-Scubber.

Project Experience:
Diesel & Dust has over a decade experience in dust suppression and construction cleaning. Most recently we have been engaged through McNab Queensland Pty Ltd at the University of Queensland state of the art sports facilities and carpark construction project. Diesel and Dust is providing dust suppression and maintenance cleans including road and car park maintenance. We have also subcontracted on road, bike and pedestrian path upgrade projects for Brisbane City Council, parks and garden upgrade and maintenance for Logan Council and worked with AllPro Earthworks on a sub-division in Eight Mile Plains with dust suppression and maintenance cleans.

Management Profile:
Diesel & Dust founder Maurie Bell is an Aboriginal man with family connections through-out the Cherbourg region. He has lived and worked in the wider Brisbane and Logan areas his entire life.
Maurie has over 25 years’ experience in the construction and civil services sector. He has held his HR drivers licence for more than two decades, has a current front-end loader licence, and heavy roller and tip truck experience. Diesel and Dust has a Brisbane City Council stand pipe and Gold Coast recycle water carriers licence. Maurie started his career as an apprentice mechanic and is a qualified B grade mechanic.




07 33882011

Business Address

9 Ecorxcalibur Road

Contact Options
